- Orders are not confirmed without payment.
- Please be as detailed as possible.
- All custom/personalize orders are final!!
- Once orders are picked up and/or delivered We’re no longer liable.
- Pick up hours depends on the day and availability.
- Orders will take approximately 7-10 business days to be completed after payment is processed(subject to change depending on custom orders)
- Custom/personalize orders we ask for a 10 day minimum notice. Anything less will result in an additional $5 rush charge.
- BULK custom/personalize orders we ask for a 30 day minimum notice. Anything less will result in an additional $10 rush charge.
- Once you approve of your custom/personalize design and order payment will be due, finalized and NON-REFUNDABLE. Therefore, please check and make sure that your information is correct and everything it’s to your satisfaction.